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Trainings & workshops

We offer (online) trainings, blended learning formats and workshops tailored to your needs around these focal points. Your personal gain in learning and your good mood are more important to us than too many formal constraints. We attach great importance to making the training content plausible, memorable and immediately implementable. 

Customer dialogue

How about if your customer approach was unmistakable, empathetic and sincere, whether on the phone, online or in personal contact? And also when there are complaints and critical customer feedback?


How would it be if your lived leadership meant more of a "power with" instead of "power over"? What if it were a service to the system, including the people who are led? 

emotional mastery

How about if you could feel better again? What if you used feelings not as a problem, but as problem-solving strategies and valuable navigators through the VUCA world? 


How about if your teams worked along the lines of living systems and all team members formed a strong bond with each other?

Customer dialogue​​

Extract from the training content:

  • How much do you like your customers?

  • Complaint and complaint management in the 21st century: What does it mean and how can you implement it?

  • What do neurological motives have to do with your target group and customer approach?

  • Emotional competence in customer contact: Recognize and regulate emotions 

  • Rhetorical "tools" for difficult situations

  • Dealing with interlocutors who ask too much

  • How do you stay friendly and in a good mood even with a high level of stress? 

Special: Coaching Skills für Führungskräfte

Ein Workshop der Führungskräfte dabei unterstützt, die aktuellen Herausforderungen an Führung positiv zu bewältigen. Lerne, Coachingtechniken sinnvoll in deine Führungsarbeit zu integrieren, um die Mitarbeiter:innen in ihrer Eigenverantwortung zu stärken und Anzeichen von innerer Kündigung frühzeitig zu erkennen. 

Auszug aus den Trainingsinhalten:


Special: Best Seller Skills

Ein Workshop für alle, die erfolgreich und authentisch verkaufen wollen und bereit sind, sich von limitierenden Glaubenssätzen zu verabschieden. 

Auszug aus den Trainingsinhalten:

  • Verkaufen mit Spaß & auf Augenhöhe: Wie geht das?

  • Welches Mindset hilft und wie du blockierende Gedanken positiv überwindest

  • Was Glücksempfinden & Kaufbedürfnisse miteinander zu tun haben und wie du diese für deine Kundenansprache nutzt

  • Wie du schon im Sales Prozess Vertrauen aufbaust und Kundenloyalität erzeugst

  • Wie du den Sales Prozess effektiv verwaltest u.v.m.


Extract from the training content:

  • Leadership in the 21st Century: How does it work?

  • Personality and leadership style: Find the balance between employee orientation and task orientation

  • Basic neurological motives and (team) leadership

  • The employee-oriented conversation

  • The manager as a coach: When & how does it work?

  • How do I introduce an open feedback culture into my team? How do I implement this sustainably?

  • How criticism can become solution-focused feedforward

  • Creating freedom for yourself: Being able to delegate and say no


Special: Coaching skills for managers

A workshop that supports managers in positively overcoming the current leadership challenges. Learn to sensibly integrate coaching techniques into your leadership work in order to strengthen employees' personal responsibility and to recognize signs of inner resignation at an early stage. 

Excerpt from the training content:

  • Manager as coach: when and how does it work?

  • Leading vs. coaching: Which methods work and how? Which mindset helps in each case?

  • Strengths-oriented and “type-appropriate” leadership: Which employees can you advance and how can you advance them through coaching?

  • Coaching methods in use: This is how you support your team members with short-term concerns or long-term development issues

Team development

Extract from the training content:

  • Team development in the 21st century: How does it work?

  • We introduce you to different personality types and reflect the different roles in the team 

  • We develop common values, goals and visions

  • We support you in recognizing and defining roles, tasks and responsibilities

  • Psychological safety and emotional competence in daily interaction

  • We work out areas of development in the team and concrete measures to accept and overcome these challenges

  • We work on silent and open conflicts and find workable solutions

  • We present you feedback models and apply them in a practical way

  • Upon request, we can provide 360 ° feedback with the entire team


Resilience & Emotional Mastery

Extract from the training content:

  • How thoughts and feelings shape your personality

  • What are the emotional survival strategies? Which ones do you mostly use?

  • Your emotional profile: Which emotional forces do you (not) live? Where do you experience feelings as an obstacle?

  • Your ostensible motives for life: What do you really live for?

  • You will test and develop your ability to recognize emotions

  • You dissolve emotional blockages and come into your flow

  • You will learn how to create suitable feelings for yourself

  • Emotional hygiene, feeling and stress management for every day

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